martes, 27 de marzo de 2007

Hi my name is Wali..!!

Hi, my name is Walid Merhi but everybody calls me walo, I am from Maracaibo originally, I am 17 years old and I study accounting public at URBE. I live in Maracaibo.

I love playing soccer, driving my car, studying English, sleep, work, I love talking by phone with all my friends. I love eat pizza, my family, my dog and my country.

I hate onions, smoking, listening rock, violence, getting up early on the weekend and I hate wait.

My dreams is travel around of the world, visit the pyramid in Egypt, the tower in Paris, I want to graduate from accounting public.

I think English is very important. I listen to music and watch T.V. in English, It is a good exercise. I need to practice more; the most difficult for me is speaking.

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